In Pursuit of UAP - Documenting the Phenomena


My guests for this episode are Jeremy McGowan and Sean Cahill.

This recording took place on site in Las Vegas, the night before Jeremy and Sean set out on their quest in pursuit of UAP – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and it commemorates the launch of their new project.

Along with a team of talented professionals, a camera crew, and the use of some high tech instruments, including a SkyHub unit mounted to an off road vehicle named OSIRIS, these two are attempting to locate, observe and document anomalous activity in our skies.

During our conversation we get into why and how the OSIRIS Project came into being, and what the goals are for the project. 

We discussed how this expedition has evolved from one man’s passion for Documenting the Phenomena, into building a team of professionals and ultimately becoming a full blown film production.

We talk about the support team and their various roles, some of the locations and people they’ll meet along the way, and we detail what it could mean, should they succeed in their quest for truth, not only for the team but for all of those following the story as it unfolds.

And now, I invite you to join me for an all new UFO Edition of Dead Hand Radio and find out more about these extraordinary individuals and their journey In Pursuit of UAP.

Thanks for listening.

In this ongoing series titled DEAD HAND RADIO UFO EDITION Andrew talks with UFO researchers, investigators, witnesses and experiencers to uncover truths about the topic.